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Embracing Self-Care in the New Year

Writer's picture: Lisa EhrmanLisa Ehrman

I will admit that during the holidays, I took many breaks. That doesn't mean that I tried to have a little self-care. My recovery would have been more pleasant and perhaps, faster, if I had tried harder.

In the midst of the holidays, it's busy and chaotic. Things tend to feel very rushed, because there are deadlines. On this holiday trip (Christmas 2024) I was trying hard to bring all the clothes and medicines. I unfortunately, forgot the self-care.

I didn't even take my heating pad! We could all use self-care in this new year. It has been a stressful new year, with many tragedies. I find myself clenching my jaw and having my shoulders high and tight. My muscles need to be relaxed.

It's important to try and match specific self-care experiences with pains that need relief. My body is definitely not recovered from the six days of riding in a car. My left leg and ankle are often throbbing and the swelling never goes away. Until my surgery next month, that will probably continue.

There are not too many things that help this pain. Massaging the calf can help the tightness in the muscle. I try to do that, but it's hard to reach. In the past, Hubby helped with massaging my back and head, but he doesn't feel good enough to do that now.

Ice is also a possibility to help the swelling. My pain medicine (Celebrex) keeps the pain from getting too severe.

My shoulders and neck are in a lot of pain. I can usually block out some levels of neck pain. When it gets to a level 6 it's "yelling at me" and something needs to be done. The Celebrex isn't a perfect pain pill, so I'm still dealing with a good bit of pain.

Self-care can include my tens-unit, heat or ice. The tens-unit often feels like torture. It is customizable and I can adjust the strength of the machine. Heat on my neck and upper back is also very soothing. I use my large ice-pack on my head when I get a headache.

My right wrist that has two bones with Avascular Necrosis isn't always painful, but today it is. The only thing I am able to do with this area is to apply ice on the joint. This helps a little.

With big bills and upcoming surgery, I've become stressed. My insurance premium went up a great deal and the surgery will occur before we've met our 2025 deductible. After studying my policy, the insurance company has made more limitations on the doctors and hospitals in my network.

I don't know what will happen, but if the doctor and hospital aren't covered by this year's policy there will have to be drastic changes. I'll find out more in about ten days.

Self-care for all of these things needs to be free. I would love to get frequent massages, but have you priced them? That's out of my budget right now. I'll need to use what I have to get relief.

Having a hot tub or resting on a beach would certainly be relaxing. Since I don't have access to those, I can substitute a nice warm bath. Candles are also relaxing and create a pleasant room.

Using tons of lotion can be relaxing. I use a good creamy, unscented lotion and can almost hear my terribly dry skin whisper thank you.

I also have tiny bottles with blends of essential oils. I inhale the scents and by the end of the bottles I feel more relaxed. I also notice that I have a bit less pain.

Reading a happy-ending book with nice music is very peaceful and relaxing. Sitting in my recliner with a cup of tea or coffee, I feel very warm and cozy.

Many ways of experiencing self-care are free. Whatever improves your physical, spiritual, or emotional health can be the self-care you need.

I pray a lot, and more than ever. We have many things that we want God to do for us. We pray for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, and other people. We also take time to thank God for the daily answers to prayer. Being thankful is one of the best ways to help me have a lighter mental load.

I don't think that I'll ever feel great again, and I continue to acquire more diseases all the time. But, I won't stop talking to God and asking for His help and guidance.

@2025, copyright Lisa Ehrman

Disclaimer: I'm not a medical expert. This post contains my experiences and opinions and is not meant to be taken as medical advice. If you have a health concern, please consult your personal physician.

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1 Comment

Jan 16

I understand where you are coming from, as I have a chronic pain condition, too. One day at a time..and just breathe. I agree with your tips.

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