Another week traveling too many miles has left me feeling very swollen. We drove five hours each day so that we could see my sweet grandsons. My husband gets extremely worn out and I get in serious pain.

The first morning home was the worst. I couldn't walk without serious pain in my ankle and I was as exhausted as I have ever felt. My second day recovering seemed much better and I was thrilled to feel like I was bouncing back so quickly.
Day three of recovery feels much like day 1. I have a mild cough and some nasal congestion. I'm resting all the time, keeping my feet up, and trying to only eat non-inflammatory foods.
My surgery is now only 12 days away and I'm feeling anxious. I want to be free of colds, etc, because there will be enough negatives. After the holidays and two trips close together, I really wanted to unpack the suitcases and clean a great deal.
I hope next week hubby and I can pull off a little housework. When the surgery is over I won't be able to touch the floor with my repaired foot for six months. Because the house is such a mess, I know things won't get clean on their own.
Another concern I have is a suspicious rash and more on my breast. It popped up very quickly and has spread. I see the doctor in just a few days, so I will be worried about what this could be. It might be an infection or something worse.
I know that many of you have chronic illnesses and are dealing with so many health problems. It can be disheartening when we know that we don't have an ability to trust our next days.
Any day can bring good or bad symptoms or new health issues. I try so hard to take it one day at a time and look for the blessings.
Today I need to spend time in prayer and being grateful. So many good things have been happening since Christmas:
We were able to have a great visit with oldest and his family
We were able to see our middle child and family. We also could enjoy seeing the joy as one grandchild had a birthday.
We made it home from these two trips safely.
The ice in our driveway and on our street has finally melted.
I'm also extremely thankful for God's gift of family. I think I have the best! Having three grandchildren, and another on the way, is such an amazing thing. God has given them all good health and that's more important every day.
What things are you the most thankful for? I know it's not Thanksgiving Day, but each day that I give thanks to God for the good things, it's easier to deal with the painful symptoms.
2025, copyright Lisa Ehrman
Disclaimer: I'm not a medical expert. This post contains my experiences and is not meant to be taken as medical advice. If you have a medical concern, please consult your personal physician.